DID YOU know that some Australians can receive up to $36,000 from the Federal Government just for staying in the workforce? You'll have to do more than just stay put in a job to qualify for the $4000-plus baby bonus, but it doesn't require much effort - or even a partner - to claim $1500 from the Federal Government for your super co-contribution. Most of the time, we know if a benefit is coming our way and some are automatically paid to those who qualify. But sometimes we forget to apply for special benefits or we haven't noticed that the qualifying rules have changed. So here's a snapshot of some of the popular and lesser-known government benefits and who's entitled to them. You never know, there might be a nice big chunk of cake out there with your name on it! 1 IT PAYS TO BE GREY If you are aged 60 and not working full-time, chances are you'll qualify for the coveted Seniors Card, issued free by each state and territory government. The card enables holders to