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Showing posts from July, 2016

School Zone for top schools in Victoria

Balwyn High School Zone Box Hill High School Zone

Pokemon Go Tips/Tricks Compilation

Since everyone is playing this game right now, I am playing on behave of my lovely daughter as well.  shhh.... The game itself seems so complex as it does not explain much when you join the game.  As a late comer, I have to google online to look for answers.  Unsurprisingly, there are tons of information on the web and it takes time to go through them all; lots of them are duplicate information anyway.  Here I compiled a list of good source for me to get all things that I need to know. Comprehesive Guide: Pokemon Moves (For experts): Lots of nice tips:  http://www.imore .com/Pokemon-go-tips-tricks-cheats That's all.   Gotta  catch  ' em all ! Updates: 2016-08-01  Pokemon Tools: Pokevision Pokemon Google Map Pokemon Stats 2016-08-03  Pokemon Fever is over? Is it over?  The number of people playing Pokemon Go dropped to dramatically.  I hardly see anyone pl