normal. They realise that mum or dad is not there and they wonder if they are going to come back.
Some toddlers can wake up during the night screaming; others will scream and cry when you leave the room even for a short period. This is usually out grown between ages 3 to 4 years. In the meantime, here are some things you can do to help reduce both
yours and their anxiety when you need to leave them in someone else's care.
- Put on a brave front. If you appear relaxed and confident they will respond to your behaviour.
- Prepare them. Talk to your child about what will happen, who will look after them and when you will return.
- Don't do the 'long goodbye'. Hug and kiss them, say goodbye and go. The longer you take, the more worked up they will get.
- Don't sneak away when they are not looking. They won't let you out of their sight next time.
- Let them keep a toy or teddy they love with them.
- Persist even if it is hard for both of you.
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